RD Graham wanted to spotlight Edgar R for his most recent amazing accomplishment! Edgar came to the United States as a legal worker and joined the RDG Crew through a temp employment agency. After a few months of working with us and demonstrating his skill, he applied for a job with the company. He was hired while he was still working through his Work Visa. Within a year he was promoted to foreman and running work for RD Graham Electric! He has continued to excel in his trade and does an excellent job running work and making it happen.
Not only do we celebrate his success as an employee and a leader with RD Graham Electric..…today we celebrate a life accomplishment with Edgar. He has achieved his goal of becoming a US Citizen! He is excited for this amazing achievement, and we are just as excited for him.
When you work hard, and put your mind to something, you really can power your own future! Remember to congratulate Edgar when you see him next!