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All About LED Highbay Lights

Writer's picture: RDGE WebmasterRDGE Webmaster

What is LED High Bay Light?

When you need to light up a large indoor space, LED High Bay Light is a perfect choice. This kind of lighting is appropriate for many different indoor spaces, including factories, gyms, warehouses, large department stores, and more. High bay lights are powerful and bright enough to provide adequate foot-candles in areas that are vast and cover a lot of vertical as well as horizontal space. High bay lighting fixtures are used to provide illumination for large spaces, often in warehouses. They are suspended from the ceiling by chains, hooks, or pendants.

LED High Bay Lights VS Others

Historically, different types of lights have been used in warehouse and industrial settings. The most common are metal halide (MH), high-pressure sodium (HPS), and fluorescent. With all these options, it can be hard to pick the best one to use for your space. But there are many reasons why an LED High Bay Light is the best option. Let’s take a look at some of the things to consider when deciding if an LED retrofit is right for you.

LED High Bay lights or Metal Halide Lights?

You may be wondering which you should invest in. Metal halide lights are common for sporting events, warehouses, and industrial uses, as well as any setting where large, high spaces need to be illuminated. They have the decent color rendering and comparatively adequate foot-candle levels, but come with drawbacks such as a long time to warm up (sometimes 15-30 minutes) and a high cost to maintain. They also have failure characteristics that include flickering on and off.

LED High Bay Lighting vs High-Pressure Sodium Lights

The benefits of LED High Bay Lighting include a bright, even light that reduces eyestrain and lengthens the life of your eyes. It’s perfect for warehouse, industrial, business, and recreational facilities. HPS lights work well in these places, too; they’re much cheaper to maintain and come with a longer lifespan. The downside: the poor color rendering and the long warm-up period.

LED High Bay Lighting vs Fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights are sometimes utilized in industrial or warehouse settings (primarily T12, T8, and T5). They provide cheaper initial costs and a fairly high level of efficiency. However, there are downsides to fluorescent lights. They have toxic mercury that requires proper waste disposal procedures. They also have a decreased lifetime when they’re switched on and off. And they need a ballast to stabilize the light.

Advantages of LED High Bay Lights

When buying high bay light fixtures for warehouse locations, people are looking for these requirements:

  • Bright light

  • The right color rendering

  • Long life span

  • Durability

  • Non-toxicity

  • Cool in temperature

When you choose LED High Bay Light fixtures, you are satisfying every requirement for warehouses. Plus, people who install LED lights report energy savings up to 80% and savings on maintenance costs.


LEDs offer a variety of advantages, but the single most important one is their lower energy consumption. Compared to old types of lighting, LED High Bay Lights use a fraction of the power and can save you money in utility costs. For larger commercial buildings, the savings are easy to see when replacing fixtures.

Plus, changing out old fixtures for LED fixtures is a fantastic way to contribute to a company’s eco-friendliness. It reduces a business’ consumption of natural resources and emissions. LED lights are now the trend in the market and many customers will find this admirable. LEDs also generate less heat than traditional lights. This means businesses will be able to keep their facility cool in the summer without stressing the environment.


People might think the installation process of LED High Bay Light is difficult, but that’s not the case. The process is simplified and fast, meaning you can get the benefits of upgrading while minimizing downtime.

They require fewer tools and that means that the installation process is quick and ergonomically friendly for installers. This shortens the time warehouse space is out of commission and also saves time and money for the manufacturers.

Once an LED High bay lights installation is over, not only does a business become more efficient, but it becomes a lot more cost-effective. With LED warehouse lights, maintenance is minimal and costly projects are a thing of the past. Changing a burnt-out bulb at home may seem like a simple task, but that changes when it is 50 feet up in the air and your staff needs to take a lift and set aside time for maintenance.

LED High Bay Lights are the perfect choice for large-scale spaces due to their long life. Their typical life span can be up to 100,000 hours, which is over 11 years! If you take the square footage that is lit and the number of manhours it would take for each replacement into account, you will find that this math adds up quickly.

High-Quality Lighting Performance

Safety is always a concern for warehouse employees. When workers are navigating across tricky areas such as aisles, staircases, high traffic corners, and catwalks, the use of LED High Bay Light can be very helpful. The lights stay bright throughout these areas to avoid collisions and make navigating the space much easier.

If you’re looking for a better work environment, LED High Bay Lights may be the answer. They produce white light that is closer to natural daylight than regular bulbs, and thus provide more contrast and help people see what they’re doing more clearly. Take a warehouse that needs to be well-lit: LED High Bay lights 5000K will help workers identify parts correctly and fill orders with more accuracy.

A workspace’s light quality impacts how productive employees can be. To avoid eye strain, try using LED High Bay Lights instead of fluorescent or incandescent lighting. Furthermore, when employees feel energized and content in their environment, they are more likely to be productive.

Advanced Technology

LED fixtures are smart. Literally. They can come with technology features that respond to your space, which makes it more energy efficient.

You have a large warehouse with lots of empty space you’d like to keep lit. Occupancy sensors turn the lights on when someone enters, and off when nobody is there. Instant LED High Bay lights can be a huge benefit in this situation because they come on instantly and shut off after inactivity in the space.

Think of the workers on their forklifts. You need to keep them safe, so you don’t want them to have to get off the machine to turn lights on and off or drive into dark areas. Occupancy sensors can help your warehouse be brighter by distinguishing between motions from people and repetitive motions from machinery, such as a fan.

Long Durability

This is where LED High Bay Fixtures really shines: in tough-to-reach warehouse environments. They’re great for tough, heavy machinery and awkward spaces like shelving. Unlike their incandescent and fluorescent counterparts, they can take a beating and be used for years without breaking. They’re also much less likely to shatter or break than those old lights, so you’ll actually save on your maintenance costs.

Different types of LED High Bay lights

High bay lights, available in a variety of shapes and sizes, can be used for different purposes. The type of high bay light you choose will depend on your space. Size and shape are not the only factors to consider when choosing a high bay light. Beam angles also affect the light quality. You can choose from a few different beam angles to best suit your space – from wide-spread lighting to narrow lighting. Here are some of the most popular high bay light fixture styles.


0-10V Dimming

When you going to choose a dimmable LED High Bay Light, 0-10V dimming LED High Bay Light is the most popular option.

The simplest way to control the brightness of an LED High Bay Light is by using what’s called 0-10v Dimming LED High Bay Light. This system was made to control lighting, and it’s one of the oldest. The brighter you want the light to be, the more volts you send to the driver. For instance, sending 0 volts would turn off the light, while sending 10 volts would make it go to its maximum brightness. The driver will smoothly dim the light, too.

Dali Dimming

DALI control has been applied in many LED industrial lighting. It is an approach to industrial lighting that has been applied in Europe and America and has grown in popularity. Currently, it’s a widely used technology and will only become more popular as the popularity of LED lighting continues to grow. Dali Dimming LED High Bay lights is also a nice option besides 0-10V dimming High bay lights.

DALI is a data-transfer protocol that defines communication between lighting and system control systems. DALI gives the owners of an enterprise great flexibility when it comes to designing and adjusting lighting schemes. Moreover, after installation, adjustments can still be used during operation such as LED high bay lights or LED linear high bay lights without adding any extra circuits. Because of its simplicity and compatibility with current lighting technology, DALI is a perfect and advantageous data-transfer protocol.

Motion Sensor

Preventing wasted energy is just one of the many benefits of high bay lights with a motion sensor. They also come equipped with motion detectors that turn the lights on only when they are needed. This translates to a 35% reduction in energy consumption, while keeping your lights on when you need them most.

Emergency Battery Back-Up

LED High Bay lights can come equipped with an emergency battery backup, which is a really great idea. Businesses should provide both commercial lighting and emergency lighting for their clients. It’s important to note that the emergency LED High bay light will be available during power outages, blackouts, fires, or lightning strikes.

How to choose the wattage of LED high bays?

LED high bays are more power-efficient than metal halides. The average LED high bay replaces a 400W metal halide and only uses 200W. So, it saves 50%. A high-performance LED replaces a 400W metal halide and only uses 150W. This further reduces the energy consumption by 62.5%. That’s how wattage is no longer helpful in measuring brightness.

Let’s talk about lumens. Lumens are a unit of light measurement, and all light sources are measured in lumens. What does this mean? If you’re comparing metal halide and LED lights, both put out 24,000 lumens. A 24,000-lumen metal halide lamp and a 24,000-lumen LED lamp or a 24,000-lumen fluorescent fixture produce the same amount of visible light.

Keep your eye on the lumens of your high bay LED lights. They are available in different watts, but it’s the amount of lumens you need to consider. As LEDs become more efficient, they will use less and less watts. There are different wattages for different heights. For example, for higher levels of height (over 30 feet), you would need a 200W LED High Bay fixture or more.


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